Researched and complied by John Schunk,

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Descendants of Thomas COLEMAN (?-1817)


2. Willis COLEMAN

Baldwin County, GA, Abstracts to Marriages, 1806-1874--LDS Film #415,153:
p. 408:
"To any Judge, Justice of the Inferior Court, Justice of the Peace or Minister of the Gospel,
You are hereby authorized to join in matrimony Willis COLEMAN and Mildred CHAPMAN.
Given under my hand the 30th November 1809.
Freed Freeman, Clk."

Baldwin County, GA, Tax Digests, 1807-1821--LDS Film #423,195:
Capt. Hill's District:
Thomas COLEMAN, 8, 202 1/2, Baldwin, Mary Stevens, Parker, Fishing Cr
Willis COLEMAN, $.31
Capt. Hills district:
Willis COLEMAN, 405 acres, Wilkinson Co, $.61 1/2
Thomas COLEMAN, 8 slaves, 202 1/2 acres, Baldwin, M. Stevens, J. Miles, Fishing Cr, $3.31 3/4
Capt. Ellis' District:
Willis COLEMAN, 202 1/2, Wilkenson, D. Chapman, $.46 1/4
Thomas COLEMAN, 8 slaves, 203 1/2, Baldwin, Stephens, Miles, Fishing Cr, $3.31 3/4
Capt. Long's District:
Willis COLEMAN, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Stephens, Miles, Fishing Cr, $.37 1/2
Thomas COLEMAN, 8, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Stephens, Miles, $3.04
Nicholas Poole, as agent for Milly CHAPMAN, 2, 202 1/2, Wilkinson, self, $.87 1/2
Capt. Long's District:
Thomas COLEMAN, 8, 100, Baldwin, Steavens, Miles, Fishing Cr, $3.23 3/4
Willies COLMAN, 101 1/4, Baldwin, self, Miles, Fishing Cr, $.56 1/2
Capt. Waller's District:
Thomas COLEMAN, 10, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Stephens, Pool & others, Fishing Cr, $3.69
Willis COLEMAN, 1, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Baker, Miles & Shover, Fishing Cr, $.87 3/4
Capt. Ellis' District:
Moses Byington for
Milley CHAPMAN, 2, 202 1/2, Baldwin, self, no. 181 2nd W., Fishing Cr, $.77 1/2
Willis COLEMAN, 2, 101 1/4, Baldwin, W. McKinnic, Miles, Fishing Cr, $1.19
Thomas COLEMAN, 7, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Shepherd, Miles, Fishing Cr, $2.75 1/4
Capt. Ellis' District:
Thomas COLEMAN, 10, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Stephens, Parker, Fishing Cr, $3.69
Willis COLEMAN, 2, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Stephens, Shover, Fishing Cr, $1.18 3/4
Capt. Ellis's District:
Moses Boynton as agent for
Milla CHAPMAN, 2, 202 1/2, Wilkinson, self, $.77 1/2
Willis COLMAN, 3, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Miles, Fishing Cr, $1.50 1/4
Willis COLMAN as agent for Thomas COLMAN decd, 10, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Miles, Fishing Cr, $3.25
Willis COLMAN as agent for William COLMAN, $31 1/4
Capt. Ellis's District:
Willis COLEMAN, 7, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Miles, Fishing Cr, $2.73
Willis COLEMAN as administrator of estate of Thomas COLEMAN, 67 1/2, Baldwin, COLEMAN, Fishing Cr, $.15
Willis COLEMAN as agent for Sarah COLEMAN, 6, 33 2/3, Baldwin, COLEMAN, Fishing Cr, $1.95
Nicholas Pool as agent for Milly CHAPMAN, 1 slave, $.31 1/4

Baldwin County, GA, Tax Digests, 1807-1821--LDS Film #423,195:
1819 Applicants, widows, orphans, Revolutionary soldiers, persons serving in Seminole Wars:
Ellis's District:
William COLMAN, 1
Sarah COLMAN, 1 widow
Sarah COLMAN for orphans of Thomas COLMAN, 1
Ambroes CHAPMAN for orphans of Labon CHAPMAN, 1

Baldwin County, GA, Ordinary's Office, Order Book, 1819--LDS Film #1,276,557:
Columns are:
1) Applicants Generally
2) Widows
3) Widows of Persons who died in the Public Service during the late Wars
4) Orphans of Persons who died in the late wars with Britton and Indians
5) Orphans
6) Revolutionary Officers and Soldiers
7) Persons who served during the late Seminole wars
8) Total
Ellises District:
William COLMAN  1-0-0-0-0-0-0-1
Sarah COLMAN  0-1-0-0-0-0-0-1
& for orphans of Thomas COLMAN  0-0-0-0-1-0-0-1
Willis COLMAN  2-0-0-0-0-0-0-2

Baldwin County, GA, Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1807-1852--LDS Film #415,162:
pp. 305-306:
5 Jan 1819
Ordered that Willis COLEMAN administrator of estate of Thomas COLEMAN have leave to sell real estate and negroes
p. 14:
1st Monday in July 1820
Willis COLEMAN admr of Thomas COLEMAN made a return

p. 032:
Willis Coleman household:
1 male age 0-10
1 male age 26-45
3 females age 0-10
1 female over age 45
6 slaves

Baldwin County, GA, Tax Digests, 1807-1821--LDS Film #423,195:
Capt. McGehee's District:
Willis COLEMAN, 4, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Miles, Fishing, $1.81 1/2
Willis COLEMAN as agent for Sarah COLEMAN, 3, 33 1/3, Baldwin, Miles, Fishing, $1.02
Willis COLEMAN as agent for Maria COLEMAN, 3 slaves, $.93 3/4
Nicholas Pool as agent for
Milly CHAPMAN, 1, 202 1/2, Wilkinson, Sandy, $.46 3/4
Capt. McGehee's District:
Willis COLEMAN, 7, 101 1/4, Baldwin, Miles, Fishing, $3.12
Willis COLEMAN as agent for Sarah COLEMAN, 4, 33 1/3, Baldwin, Miles; 490, Irwin, $1.70
Willis COLEMAN as agent for Maria COLEMAN, 2, $.62 1/2

Baldwin County, GA, Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1807-1852--LDS Film #415,162:
p. 84:
12 Jan 1824
Ordered that William COLEMAN adrm of Thomas COLEMAN have leave to sell perishable property
p. 107:
1 Nov 1824
Willis COLEMAN, admr of estate of Sarah COLEMAN petitioned for leave to sell negroes:  Dave Pen Will & Frank.  Permission granted.

Warren County, GA, Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1819-1883--LDS Film #415,162:
p. 99:
Letters of administration granted Laban C. Pool and Nancy Pool on estate of Nicholas Pool, and that James Bonner, Moses Byington, William Ball, Robert McCrary & Willis COLEMAN appointed appraisers

p. 207:
Willis Coleman household:
1 male age 0-5
1 male age 5-10
1 male age 50-60
1 female age 0-5
1 female age 5-10
1 female age 10-15
1 female age 40-50
8 slaves

Putnam County, GA, Wills, 1808-1888--LDS Film #394,045:
Book B, 1822-1857:
pp. 129-130:
Putnam County, Ga
Will of Willis COLEMAN
to beloved wife Milley COLEMAN, all my estate, 101 1/4 acres in Baldwin County were I now live, and 496 acres in Irwin County,
also my nine Negroes, Patcy, Emily Bird & Josiah, Amey Betcy & Mary. Macklin & Simon
after her death to be equally divided among my beloved children, viz. Wiley W. COLEMAN and Charlotte T. COLEMAN & Matilda F. COLEMAN and Mazoury W. COLEMAN & William Po. COLEMAN
wife shall school and raise children
as children come of age, wife as executor to pay them their equal part of estate
appoint as lawful executors my beloved wife Milley COLEMAN and my friend Ambrose Chapman
2 Jan 1822
Signed: Willis COLEMAN
Wit: Milley-x-Chapman, Robert Miles, John Miles
proved 2 Apr 1832

Putnam County, GA, Inventories--LDS Film #394,012:
Book D:
pp. 266-268:
Inventory & appraisement of estate of Willis COLEMAN deceased
Appraisers: John M. Minter, Moses Harvey, Elisha Mathis
10 May 1832


1832 Cherokee Land Lottery:
Milley COLEMAN, Putnam County, drew 12th District, 3rd Section

Putnam County, GA, Deeds, 1833-1837--LDS Film #400,941:
Book O, 1833-1837:
pp. 383-384:
Inferior Court of Putnam sitting 1835, on application of Milly COLEMAN, executrix of last will and testament of Willis COLEMAN deceased of Putnam County, did pass an order for sale of real estate, legal notice having been given in one of the public gazettes, to wit in the Georgia Journal, four months previous; gave 60 days notice of sale at door of courthouse, did on 2 June 1835 at public sale, public auction, to Nathaniel Vincent who was highest bidder, $800, land in tenth district, originally Baldwin now Putnam County, lots #185 and #186, the first 101 1/4 acres and the last, 50 1/2 acres, for 151 3/4 acres total where Willis COLEMAN lived and died on the waters of Rocky Creek bounded by Wm Vincent, Herrod Bridge, Nathan Tomlinson, Powell Vincent and Joseph Green
Signed: Milly-x her mark-COLEMAN, executris of Willis COLEMAN deceased
Wit: R.H. Seymore, Wm. A. Slaughter, JJC

772nd District:
p. 301:
Mily Coleman household:
1 male age 10-15
1 male age 15-20
2 females age 10-15
1 female age 50-60
9 slaves

Eighth District:
pp. 414A-414B:
Household/Family #63/63:
*Milly Coleman, age 60, born SC
John T. Coleman, age 22, Farmer, born Putnam County GA

8th Division:
pp. 352-353:
Household/Family #402/402:
P.J. Biggers, age 51, male, Farmer, $16,000 real estate, $49,430 personal property, born GA
Matilda F. Biggers, age 40, born SC
Joseph W. Biggers, age 23, born GA
Parmelia A. Biggers, age 18, born GA
Perenda J. Biggers, age 16, born GA
Beverly A. Biggers, age 14, male, born GA
Latiney V. Biggers, age 12, female, born GA
Monroe W. Biggers, age 17, born GA
James P. Biggers, age 2 months, born GA
*Millard Coleman, age 78, male, born VA

10. John T. COLEMAN

Eighth District:
pp. 414A-414B:
Household/Family #63/63:
Milly Coleman, age 60, born SC
*John T. Coleman, age 22, Farmer, born Putnam County GA

Researched and complied by John Schunk,

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